Privacy policy

You can use this website ordinarily without any mention of your personal data. Insofar as personal data (for example your name, address or e-mail address) are collected on these pages it happens on a voluntary basis wherever possible. These data will not be passed on to a third party without your explicit consent.

Please note that data transfer on the internet can be insecure (e.g. when communicating via e-mail). Complete security from third-party access to data is impossible.

We herewith deny consent for any commercial use or dissemination of our contact data. The maintainers of this site explicitly reserve themselves the right to take legal measures in case of unsolicited consignation of advertising information, via spam e-mails for instance.

Privacy policy for the usage of facebook-plugins (like-button)
Our pages integrate plugins of the social network Facebook (Facebook Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, California, 94025, USA). The Facebook plugins are identifiable by the Facebook logo or the like-button (‘like’) on this site. For a full list of the Facebook plugins go to: r: When you visit our site, the plugin establishes a direct connection between your browser and the Facebook server. Facebook thus receives the information that you have visited our site with your IP address. When you click on the ‘like’-button while you are logged into your Facebook account you can link the content of our pages to your Facebook profile. Thus Facebook is able to correlate your visit with your user account. Please note that we as a provider of the pages have no knowledge as to the contents of the submitted data or its use by Facebook. For further information please see Facebook’s privacy policy at you do not wish that Facebook can assign your visit to our site with your Facebook user account, please log out from your Facebook account.

Information, deletion, disabling data
At any time you are entitled to receive information free of charge about your stored personal data, the latters’ origin and recipient and the purpose of data processing. You have the right for amendment, disabling or deletion of these data, as well. Concerning this and further questions about personal data, you can contact us via the maintainer’s address mentioned in the section ‘About this website’.

Quellenangabe: eRecht24, eRecht24 Facebook Datenschutzerklärung, Google Analytics Bedingungen,